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Active Data Cataloging

Talend Data Catalog may be used as an active data catalog, providing:

Active Data Catalog Feature


Access Method

Publishing platform

All features identified in this user guide

Web based HTML

Programmatic (API) based access to all cataloged metadata

Ability for other software and systems to:

  • Lookup definitions
  • Search for objects including terminology
  • Report on cataloged metadata
  • Retrieve lineage

Talend Data Catalog REST API (See separate user guide)

Export glossary

Export terminology and inter-relationships within a glossary

Export results of search and browse

Export the results of a search or browse

Export semantic mapping

Export semantic links in a given semantic mapping

Export data mapping

Export data mapping, including source and target definitions, mapping specs, joins, lookups, filters, documentation of all elements and mappings, etc.

  • UI and invoked from REST API
  • Microsoft Excel metadata format
  • Data integration tool native format

Export to metadata target tool

From data store models, subject areas in PDMs, etc., can export the documentation, relationships, etc. to other business intelligence, data modeling, data virtualization, etc. tools

  • UI and invoked from REST API
  • Target tool native format

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