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Adding a Job task in a Dynamic Engine environment


Job tasks are executable integration processes that contain a Job artifact published from Talend Studio.

If contexts have been defined for this Job artifact in Talend Studio, the default context is automatically published with this Job artifact. For recommended rules about defining these contexts in Talend Studio, see Using contexts and variables.

The values in this context configuration are cleared in the exported files for security reasons. You need to enter the context values again in Talend Management Console.

Before you begin

  • You must have the Author permission on the workspace where the task is located to create or edit a Job task and manage its configuration.

    The Author permission allows you to configure the Artifact and Parameters steps when creating or editing a task.

  • You must have the Execute permission on the workspace where the task is located to manage the run configuration and schedule.

    The Execute permission allows you to configure the Processing and Schedule steps when creating or editing a task.


  1. Open the Management page.
  2. Go to the Tasks tab.
  3. Select the Dynamic Engine environment using the Environments filter at the top of the page.
  4. Click Add task.
  5. In the Artifact step:
    1. Select the Job artifact type.
    2. Select the artifact you want to execute from the drop-down list.
    3. Select the version of the artifact to be used in the task.

      You can select Always use the latest available artifact version if you want your task to be updated automatically each time a new version of the artifact is published. You can also select a specific version and update it manually as needed.

      This option overrides the Update corresponding Job task option in Talend Studio.

    4. Optional: Select the Override parameter values with artifact defaults check box.
      This option is only available if you selected Always use the latest available artifact version. If you select it, the parameters defined in the task are replaced with the default artifact parameters each time a new version of the artifact is published.
    5. Select the workspace.
    6. Enter a name.
      By default, the task name is the name of the artifact from which it is created.
      Tasks must have a unique name within a workspace.
    7. Optional: Add a tag and a description for your task.
    8. Click Continue.
  6. In the Parameters step:
    1. Enter the value for the parameters of the Job.
      In this step, when the Show order as in Studio toggle is disabled, you can only set the values to parameters you have defined with the parameter_ prefix in Talend Studio.
      Use \\ instead of \ when the value can be interpreted as a special character, for example, \t.

      When being displayed in Talend Management Console, the first letters of each word in the parameter names are automatically changed to upper case and underscores (_) to whitespace, for example, city_name becomes City Name.

      This is for display purpose only. When you need to use a parameter name in your programs, for example, an API request, do not use the display name but use the name from Talend Studio.

    2. Optional: In Advanced parameters, enter the values for the parameters you have defined in Talend Studio without prefixes, and connection_ parameters that are not defined in the Job.
      This section is available when the Show order as in Studio toggle is disabled. Otherwise, all parameters are in the Parameters step.
      Use \\ instead of \ when the value can be interpreted as a special character, for example, \t.
  7. Optional: In the Connections step, select the appropriate connection from the drop-down list.
    You can also create a new connection based on the parameters already defined in the artifact.
  8. Optional: In the Resources step, select the appropriate resource to use in the task.
  9. Click Continue to go to the next step.
  10. In the Processing step, set the log level.
    Select the lowest log level to be taken into account.

    For example, if the log level is set to Warning, only logs flagged as Warning and Error will be displayed on the task run log page.

    For security reasons, set the log level to Warning for Jobs deployed to production.

  11. Optional: Select Allow parallel run of this task so that the task can be run in parallel.
    Before you disable this option, stop the task or wait for the end of the run. Otherwise, the parallel run is still allowed.

    Dynamic Engines do not support user impersonation.

  12. Optional: Set the task execution timeout by selecting Custom then entering a value.
    The default value is 5 minutes and the minimum is 1.
  13. Click Continue to go to the next step.
  14. Optional: In the Schedule step, select the execution frequency.
    You can add one or more triggers to schedule your task.
    For more information on how to schedule task runs, see Scheduling Job tasks.
  15. Save your task.


Your task is ready to be processed in the selected Dynamic Engine environment by the processing services set up in that environment.

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