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Solr Requirements

The supported versions are both Solr 8.x and Solr 9.x, note that:

  • Solr 8.x requires Java 8 or higher.
  • Solr 9.x requires Java 11 or higher.

The minimum Solr indexing server requirements (based on physical hardware performance, not a virtual environment) are:

  • Processor: 2 GHZ quad core (4 cores)
  • Memory: 24 GB of RAM
  • Storage: 20 GB of disk space

If you are migrating from a Lucene index to SolrCloud, you would need disk space 2 to 3 times the size of the original Lucene index. This is because MM stores much more information in the Solr index to facilitate the searching, sorting and faceting functions. 

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