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Deleting a Dynamic Engine environment


Deleting a Dynamic Engine environment deletes its workspaces, artifacts, tasks, and other properties. This deletion cannot be undone.

You cannot delete an environment assigned to a Dynamic Engine or with the Setup required status.

Before you begin

  • You must have the Environment Administrator (containing the TMC_ENVIRONMENT_MANAGEMENT permission) role in Talend Management Console.
  • The Dynamic Engine environment must have the Not assigned or Not ready status.


  1. Go to the Environments page.
  2. Open the Dynamic Engine Environments tab.
  3. Click the icon next to the environment name.
    You can also click the Delete button from the environment details panel.
  4. Confirm the deletion.
  5. If this environment has been deployed in Kubernetes, delete it using the following commands in the Kubernetes terminal:
    • If the manifest file for deployment still exists in the cluster, run
      kubectl delete -f <environment-manifest-file>.yaml
    • If this manifest file does not exist anymore, run the following commands:
      kubectl delete qlikruntime <resource-name-of-the-environment>
      kubectl delete namespace <namespace-name-of-the-environment>
      For example, the resource name or the namespace name to be used can read like: remote-engine-0f719636-6d65-48f0-92c3-a3e987447ab1. This name is displayed when you apply the environment manifest file, or you can find it by running kubectl get qlikruntime.
    Once done, run the kubectl get qlikruntime command again. You should see that the Dynamic Engine environment resource is not listed anymore.

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