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erwin 9.x to 12.x Data Modeler (Single Model from mart) - Import

Availability-note AWS

Bridge Requirements

This bridge:
  • is only supported on Microsoft Windows.

  • requires the tool to be installed to access its SDK.

Bridge Specifications

Vendor erwin, Inc.
Tool Name erwin Data Modeler
Tool Version 9.x to 12.x
Tool Web Site
Supported Methodology [Data Modeling] Data Store (Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing), Graphical Layout via COM API on Native (.erwin) or Export (.XML) File
Data Profiling
Incremental Harvesting
Multi-Model Harvesting
Remote Repository Browsing for Model Selection

Tool: erwin, Inc. / erwin Data Modeler version 9.x to 12.x via COM API on Native (.erwin) or Export (.XML) File
Metadata: [Data Modeling] Data Store (Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing), Graphical Layout
Component: CaErwin9Mart version 11.2.0

This import bridge imports data models from Erwin Mart, including logical only models with Entities, Attributes, Domains, physical only models with Tables, Columns, Data Types, or Logical/Physical models with both. This import bridge also imports all relationships and their implementation (e.g. PK/FK) as well as the graphical layout of the data models (diagrams).

WARNING: This import bridge uses the COM API of a Windows based tool client and/or SDK which must be (a) properly installed, (b) licensed on behalf of a Windows user capable of running this tool, and (c) capable of accessing the tool server content. In addition:
(1) As recommended by the tool vendor, the tool server must NOT be installed/coexist on the same machine where the tool client (and the import bridge) is installed/running because of potential conflicts of resources, including with respect to COM API.
(2) Windows COM API based tools are notoriously unstable after repeated failures or lack of system resources, which requires a Windows reboot to make that tool COM API work properly again.
(3) If this import bridge is running as an application, then it must be logged with the same above Windows user.
If the import bridge is running as a Windows service, then go to the services manager of Windows, right-click on the MIMB Application Server service, and go to the "Log On" tab to define an account by name under which the service will run.

- Erwin Installation:
This import bridge connects to the erwin Data Modeler Workgroup Edition mart using its COM API.
Thus, erwin Data Modeler Workgroup Edition must be installed with a valid license on the machine where this import bridge is running. This erwin installation must be able to connect to and open models in the same mart instance with the same connection information as specified in this import bridge parameters. Successful import depends upon the erwin API connecting to the mart server.
The erwin libraries used are EAL.dll and ERXML.dll
Starting with erwin Data Modeler 9.8 / 2021 R1, erwin requires the user to re-confirm the license in the UI if the tool has not been used for more than 72 hours.
In order to avoid this inconvenience, erwin Data Modeler should be installed through the 'Offline Activation' email process which is available only on a node locked license.

- erwin User:
This import bridge must run on behalf of the Windows user that can run the erwin software.
If this import bridge is running as part of a Windows desktop application, then this import bridge must log onto Windows with that user.
If this import bridge is running as part of a Windows service, then go to the Windows services and click on the 'Properties' menu of such service, go to the 'Log On' tab, select 'This account' and specify the same user name and password used as Windows session when testing connectivity from erwin to the mart, and restart the Windows service.

Q: What are the required configuration steps to support large models?
A: First, configure the Mart server with larger java memory settings for the Tomcat application server.
Read this Knowledge Base article for details:
Then, configure MIMB with larger java memory settings to use in this import bridge.
Update the file $MetaIntegration/conf/ with appropriate -Xmx parameter for a 64 bit JVM, for example:
This import bridge Miscellaneous parameter can also be used to specify the amount of Java memory to allocate.

Q: What does the following error message mean, "The process 'C:\windows\System32\cscript.exe' failed with return code 1"?
A: There is a possibility that the Windows Service account used by the import bridge is incorrect or the Local System account is specified. Local System account is not supported as a "Log on" type, verify that the account used is identical to the Windows log-on account.

Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations or bundled in Documentation/ReadMe/MIMBKnownLimitations.html

erwin Marts on Oracle databases are only supported with erwin and Mart version 9.1 or later.

Provide a troubleshooting package with:
- the debug log (can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6)
- the metadata backup if available (can be set in the Miscellaneous parameter with -backup option, although this common option is not implemented on all bridges for technical reasons).

-erwin Windows COM API debugging:
This import bridge uses the erwin Windows COM API via simple scripts (ErwinApi.js and ErwinXml.js).
If these scripts are not working properly, contact erwin support to debug the issue (which may require re-installing erwin).
The scripts can be tested as follows:
cscript.exe //E:jscript //Nologo .\conf\MIRModelBridgeTemplate\ERwin\ERwinApi.js -version 9 -GetVersion
cscript.exe //E:jscript //Nologo .\conf\MIRModelBridgeTemplate\ERwin\ERwinXml.js -version 9 -from eMovies.erwin -to eMovies.xml -log eMoviesLog.txt

- Warning On Potential Popup Messages:
When importing .erwin models, there is a possibility that erwin may present a popup window that is unavailable for this import bridge to respond to.
The result is this import bridge will hang during import. A possible workaround recommended by the vendor is to modify the registry as follows, to avoid popup messages:
* Edit the registry on the machine where this import bridge is running, using Regedit.exe
* Look for the key:
for version 9.0 to 9.6: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CA\ERwin Data Modeler\9.0\Messages
for version 9.7: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\erwin\Data Modeler\9.7\Messages
* Add data 'GDM-46=1;' to the value 'Message Status'

Bridge Parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Values Default Scope
Server name The network host name used when connecting to the erwin Mart server, e.g.
STRING   localhost Mandatory
Server port The network port used when connecting to the erwin Mart server. NUMERIC   18170  
Use IIS The use of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) when connecting to the erwin Mart server:

Connects to MartServer using Microsoft IIS, the port number may be dynamically assigned.

Use the specified port number when connecting to the erwin Mart Server, in which case the port number must be specified.
Use SSL The use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) when connecting to the erwin Mart server (this parameter is only applicable for erwin Mart version 9.1 or later):

Connects to MartServer using SSL (encrypted HTTPS connection).

Connect to MartServer using a standard HTTP connection.
Application name The name of the application when connecting to the erwin Mart Server. STRING   MartServer Mandatory
Authentication The type of authentication used when connecting to the erwin Mart server:

'Server Authentication'
Mart Server user name and password.

'Windows Authentication'
Windows username and password for secure database access.
In Windows Authentication mode, this import bridge parameters 'User name' and 'password' are not used. Instead, the login credentials are inferred from the current Windows session running this import bridge. If this import bridge is executed from a parent application running as a Windows service, this import bridge uses the credentials under which the Windows service was started.
Server Authentication
Windows Authentication
Server Authentication  
User name The user name for Server Authentication. This parameter is not used in Windows Authentication mode. STRING      
Password The user password for Server Authentication. This parameter is not used in Windows Authentication mode. PASSWORD      
Model The erwin model locator string, e.g.
Import UDPs In erwin data modeler, a User Defined Property (UDP) is defined with a name (e.g. Threat Level), a definition (e.g. an enumeration with values: green, yellow, orange, red), and a possible default value (e.g. green). Applying a UDP to an object (e.g. table or column) can be done with an explicit value (e.g. orange) or without value therefore the default value of the UDP (e.g. green).

UDP can be imported:

'As metadata'
Import an explicit value as Property Value, implicit values are not imported, the default value is kept on the Property Type only.

'As metadata, migrate default values'
Import explicit and implicit values as Property Value objects.

'In description, migrate default values'
Append the property name and value, even if implicit, to the object's description and/or comment (depending upon the design level). This allows you to export the UDP values to another tool which does not support the notion of UDP.

'Both, migrate default values'
Import the UDP value, even if implicit, both as metadata and in the object's description and/or comment (depending upon the design level).
As metadata
As metadata, migrate default values
In description, migrate default values
Both, migrate default values
As metadata  
Import relationship name Controls how the erwin relationship names are imported:

'From relationship name'
from the name property.

'From derived name'
from the verb phrase derived name.
From relationship name
From derived name
From relationship name  
Import column order from In erwin data modeler, the columns physical order can viewed through edit the current subject area 'Stored Display Settings', then click on tab 'Physical', group 'Display Level', then on the 'Physical Order' radio button.

Controls how the erwin table's column order is imported:

'Column order'
Order of the columns displayed in the erwin physical view.

'Physical order'
Order of the columns in the database, as generated in SQL DDL.
Column order
Physical order
Physical order  
Import owner schemas Controls how the erwin owner schemas are imported:

The owner schema for Tables and views and other database objects is imported.

The owner schema for Tables and views and other database objects is ignored. This option may be useful for models where physical names are not unique, to indicate the model should be treated as a logical model (not ready for SQL DDL generation) while physical information is still maintained the model.
Import diagrams Controls how the erwin data model diagrams are imported:

Diagrams are not imported.

'Current view'
Only the current view of the diagrams are imported.

Diagrams are imported twice: once for the logical view and once for the physical view.
Current view
Current view  
Move entities to subject areas In erwin data modeler, entities belong under the model and may be assigned to one or more subject areas.

Move entities to subject areas:

In order to use subject areas as conventional (UML) design packages with their own namespace where any entity may belong to ONLY one subject area. Specifically, if entities belong to only one subject area, they will be placed in the corresponding package. Other entities are placed under the model. Additionally, this option assumes that all entities are defined within a user defined subject area.

Miscellaneous INTRODUCTION
Specify miscellaneous options starting with a dash and optionally followed by parameters, e.g.
-connection.cast MyDatabase1="MICROSOFT SQL SERVER"
Some options can be used multiple times if applicable, e.g.
-connection.rename NewConnection1=OldConnection1 -connection.rename NewConnection2=OldConnection2;
As the list of options can become a long string, it is possible to load it from a file which must be located in ${MODEL_BRIDGE_HOME}\data\MIMB\parameters and have the extension .txt. In such case, all options must be defined within that file as the only value of this parameter, e.g.

-java.memory <Java Memory's maximum size> (previously -m)

1G by default on 64bits JRE or as set in conf/, e.g.
-java.memory 8G
-java.memory 8000M

-java.parameters <Java Runtime Environment command line options> (previously -j)

This option must be the last one in the Miscellaneous parameter as all the text after -java.parameters is passed "as is" to the JRE, e.g.
-java.parameters -Dname=value -Xms1G
The following option must be set when a proxy is used to access internet (this is critical to access and exceptionally a few other tool sites) in order to download the necessary third-party software libraries.
Note: The majority of proxies are concerned with encrypting (HTTPS) the outside (of the company) traffic and trust the inside traffic that can access proxy over HTTP. In this case, an HTTPS request reaches the proxy over HTTP where the proxy HTTPS-encrypts it.
-java.parameters -java.parameters -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=3128 -Dhttp.proxyUser=user -Dhttp.proxyPassword=pass


Override the model name, e.g. "My Model Name"

-prescript <script name>

This option allows running a script before the bridge execution.
The script must be located in the bin directory (or as specified with M_SCRIPT_PATH in conf/, and have .bat or .sh extension.
The script path must not include any parent directory symbol (..).
The script should return exit code 0 to indicate success, or another value to indicate failure.
For example:
-prescript "script.bat arg1 arg2"

-postscript <script name>

This option allows running a script after successful execution of the bridge.
The script must be located in the bin directory (or as specified with M_SCRIPT_PATH in conf/, and have .bat or .sh extension.
The script path must not include any parent directory symbol (..).
The script should return exit code 0 to indicate success, or another value to indicate failure.
For example:
-postscript "script.bat arg1 arg2"


Clears the cache before the import, and therefore will run a full import without incremental harvesting.

If the model was not changed and the -cache.clear parameter is not used (incremental harvesting), then a new version will not be created.
If the model was not changed and the -cache.clear parameter is set (full source import instead of incremental), then a new version will be created.

-backup <directory>

This option allows to save the bridge input metadata for further troubleshooting. The provided <directory> must be empty.

The primary use of this option is for data store import bridges, in particular JDBC based database import bridges.

Note that this option is not operational on some bridges including:
- File based import bridges (as such input files can be used instead)
- DI/BI repository import bridges (as the tool's repository native backup can be used instead)
- Some API based import bridges (e.g. COM based) for technical reasons.

Data Connections are produced by the import bridges typically from ETL/DI and BI tools to refer to the source and target data stores they use. These data connections are then used by metadata management tools to connect them (metadata stitching) to their actual data stores (e.g. databases, file system, etc.) in order to produce the full end to end data flow lineage and impact analysis. The name of each data connection is unique by import model. The data connection names used within DI/BI design tools are used when possible, otherwise connection names are generated to be short but meaningful such as the database / schema name, the file system path, or Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). The following option allows to manipulate connections. These options replaces the legacy options -c, -cd, and -cs.

-connection.cast ConnectionName=ConnectionType

Casts a generic database connection (e.g. ODBC/JDBC) to a precise database type (e.g. ORACLE) for SQL Parsing, e.g.
-connection.cast "My Database"="MICROSOFT SQL SERVER".
The list of supported data store connection types includes:

-connection.rename OldConnection=NewConnection

Renames an existing connection to a new name, e.g.
-connection.rename OldConnectionName=NewConnectionName
Multiple existing database connections can be renamed and merged into one new database connection, e.g.
-connection.rename MySchema1=MyDatabase -connection.rename MySchema2=MyDatabase

-connection.split oldConnection.Schema1=newConnection

Splits a database connection into one or multiple database connections.
A single database connection can be split into one connection per schema, e.g.
-connection.split MyDatabase
All database connections can be split into one connection per schema, e.g.
-connection.split *
A database connection can be explicitly split creating a new database connection by appending a schema name to a database, e.g.
-connection.split MyDatabase.schema1=MySchema1 SourcePath=DestinationPath

Maps a source path to destination path. This is useful for file system connections when different paths points to the same object (directory or file).
On Hadoop, a process can write into a CSV file specified with the HDFS full path, but another process reads from a Hive table implemented (external) by the same file specified using a relative path with default file name and extension, e.g. /user1/folder=hdfs://host:8020/users/user1/folder/file.csv
On Linux, a given directory (or file) like /data can be referred to by multiple symbolic links like /users/john and /users/paul, e.g. /data=/users/John /data=/users/paul
On Windows, a given directory like C:\data can be referred to by multiple network drives like M: and N:, e.g. C:\data=M:\ C:\data=N:\

-connection.casesensitive ConnectionName

Overrides the default case insensitive matching rules for the object identifiers inside the specified connection, provided the detected type of the data store by itself supports this configuration (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server, MySql etc.), e.g.
-connection.casesensitive "My Database"

-connection.caseinsensitive ConnectionName

Overrides the default case sensitive matching rules for the object identifiers inside the specified connection, provided the detected type of the data store by itself supports this configuration (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server, MySql etc.), e.g.
-connection.caseinsensitive "My Database"

-connection.level AggregationLevel

Specifies the aggregation level for the external connections, e.g.-connection.level catalog
The list of the supported values:
schema (default)


Bridge Mapping

Meta Integration Repository (MIR)
(based on the OMG CWM standard)
"erwin 9.x to 12.x Data Modeler (Single Model from mart)"
CA ERwin Data Modeler (Model)
Mapping Comments
Argument Argument  
Comment Comment  
DefaultValue Default Value  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Kind Kind  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
Position Position  
Association Relationship  
Aggregation Identifying True if identifying
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
ExtraConstraint Constraint  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
AssociationRole Unnamed RelationshipEnd, Named RelationshipEnd  
Multiplicity Cardinality  
Name Name  
OnDelete On Delete  
OnInsert On Insert  
OnUpdate On Update  
Source Source Based on the multiplicity of each role and the Identifying/Non Identifying property
Attribute Attribute, Column, Primary Key Column - Attribute, Primary Key Attribute, Column - Attribute, Primary Key Column  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
ExtraConstraint Constraint if the validation rule cannot be set on the type
Generate Generate  
InitialValue Default Value imported from the default value tag associated to this type
Name Physical Name, Name  
NativeId Native Id  
Optional Nullable  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
Position Position  
BusinessRule Min - Max, Valid Values List, Default Value, User-Defined  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
LowerBound Min  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
UpperBound Max  
Value Default Value, Text  
CandidateKey Candidate Key Group  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name if set by the user
UniqueKey Unique Key True for Primary Key/Alternate Key, False for Inversion Entries
Class Entity, Table, Table - Entity, Data Source Table  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
DimensionalRole Dimensional Role  
DimensionalType Dimensional Type  
Generate Generate  
Name Physical Name, Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
ClassDiagram ER Diagram  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
MaxDefinitionLength Max Definition Length  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
Notation Notation  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
Condition Condition  
Name Name  
ConnectionNamespace Folder, Directory  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
ConnectionPackage Data Source Schema  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
DatabaseSchema Database Schema  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
DerivedType Domain The MIR UserDefined property is set to True for User Defined Domains
Comment Comment  
DataType Data Type See datatype conversion arrays
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
InitialValue Initial Value imported from the default value tag associated to this type
Length Length extracted from the datatype
LowerBound Lower Bound imported from the validation rule associated to this type
Name Name  
NativeDataType Native Data Type  
NativeId Native Id  
NativeLogicalDataType Native Logical Data Type  
PhysicalName Physical Name computed from the datatype, length and precision
Scale Scale extracted from the datatype
UpperBound Upper Bound imported from the validation rule associated to this type
UserDataType User Data Type  
DesignPackage Subject Area  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
FlatTextFile Data Source File, File  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Name Physical Name, Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
ForeignKey Foreign Key Group  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Generate Generate  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name if set by the user
Generalization Subtype Relationship  
Complete Complete  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level set to Logical Only if involved in a transformation
Exclusive Exclusive  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
GeneralizationRole Subtype Relationship Role  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
OnDelete On Delete  
OnInsert On Insert  
OnUpdate On Update  
Identity Identity  
Cache Cache  
Cycle Cycle  
IncrementValue Increment Value  
MaximumValue Maximum Value  
MinimumValue Minimum Value  
Name Name  
StartValue Start Value  
Index Index  
Clustered Clustered  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Generate Generate  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
Unique Unique  
IndexMember Index Member  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
NativeId Native Id  
Position Position  
SortOrder Sort Order  
Note Note  
Author Author  
Importance Importance  
ModificationTime Modification Time  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
Status Status  
Value Note  
PhysicalObject SQLServer Database, Oracle Database, Storage Group, DB2 Database, File Group  
Comment Comment  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PropertyElementTypeScope UDPs used for UDP values and column physical information specific to Teradata: COMPRESS, CASE and FORMAT
Name Name  
Scope Scope  
PropertyType UDP UDP design level: Logical and/or Physical
DataType Data Type  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Group Group  
InitialValue Initial Value  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
Position Position  
Usage Usage set to User
SQLViewAssociation View Relationship  
AliasName Alias Name  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
SQLTableSequence Sequence  
SQLViewAttribute View Column  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Expression Expression  
InitialValue Default Value  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
Optional Nullable  
Position Position  
SQLViewEntity View  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
DimensionalRole Dimensional Role  
Generate Generate  
GroupByClause Group By Clause  
HavingClause Having Clause  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
OrderByClause Order By Clause  
SelectType Select Type  
ViewStatement View Statement  
ViewStatementType View Statement Type  
ViewType View Type  
WhereClause Where Clause The View SQL if user defined or else the Where clause
Sequence Sequence  
Comment Comment  
DataType Data Type  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Generate Generate  
Length Length  
Name Name  
NativeDataType Native Data Type  
NativeId Native Id  
Scale Scale  
StoreConnection Model Source, Data Source  
Comment Comment  
Connection Connection  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
StoreType Store Type  
SystemMajorVersion System Major Version  
SystemMinorVersion System Minor Version  
SystemReleaseVersion System Release Version  
SystemType System Type  
SystemTypeOld System Type Old  
StoreModel Model  
Author Author  
Comment Comment  
CreationTime Creation Time  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
ModificationTime Modification Time  
Modifier Modifier  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
StoreType Store Type  
SystemMajorVersion System Major Version  
SystemMinorVersion System Minor Version  
SystemReleaseVersion System Release Version  
SystemType System Type  
SystemTypeOld System Type Old  
StoredProcedure Stored Procedure  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Generate Generate  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
Postcondition Postcondition  
Precondition Precondition  
Semantics Code  
Synonym Synonym  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Generate Generate  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
Trigger Trigger  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
FireOnDelete Fire On Delete  
FireOnInsert Fire On Insert  
FireOnUpdate Fire On Update  
Generate Generate  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
Semantics Code  
TriggerType Trigger Type  
TypeValue Type Value  
Comment Comment  
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Design Level  
Name Name  
NativeId Native Id  
PhysicalName Physical Name  
Position Position  
Value Value  

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