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IBM InfoSphere Warehouse - InfoSphere Data Architect - Import

Availability-note AWS

Bridge Requirements

This bridge:
  • requires the tool to be installed to access its SDK.

Bridge Specifications

Vendor IBM
Tool Name InfoSphere Warehouse / Data Architect
Tool Version 9.x
Tool Web Site
Supported Methodology [Data Modeling] Data Store (Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing) via Eclipse Java API on LDM or DBM or DDM XML File
Data Profiling
Incremental Harvesting
Multi-Model Harvesting
Remote Repository Browsing for Model Selection

Tool: IBM / InfoSphere Warehouse / Data Architect version 9.x via Eclipse Java API on LDM or DBM or DDM XML File
Metadata: [Data Modeling] Data Store (Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing)
Component: IbmRationalDataArchitectImport.IbmDb2DataWarehouse version 11.2.0

This import bridge imports data models from the Data Architect software, including selected models from a project with logical Entities, Attributes, Domains, and/or (related) physical models with Tables, Columns, Data Types. This import bridge also imports all relationships and their implementation (e.g. PK/FK) as well as the graphical layout of the data models (diagrams).

The import bridge depends on a set of plugin files that you can find under your Data Architect's plugins directories in version 6.1 or in the shared directory in version 7.
Here is the list of ids for the required plugin files:



Bridge Parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Values Default Scope
Version The version of Data Architect you want to connect to, which must must be installed on the computer running this import bridge. ENUMERATED
7.0 FP3
6.1 FP1
File File path of the Data Architect physical, logical or domain model file (.DBM, .LDM or .DDM) to import. FILE
Project The directory path of the Data Architect project. It is used to detect references to Domain Models. DIRECTORY      
Import dimensional diagrams as Data Architect models may use dimensional notation, allowing tables to be marked as a Dimension or Fact. The model may contain one or more relational diagrams in addition to one or more dimensional diagrams. In order to ensure the correct forward engineering into Business Intelligence tools, specify how diagrams are converted:

'Dimensional diagrams only'
The diagram will only display the dimensions and facts.

'Relational diagrams only'
The diagram will only display the relational tables. This is the default option.

'Relational and dimensional'
The diagram will display both the dimensions, facts, and the associated relational tables.
Dimensional diagrams only
Relational diagrams only
Relational and dimensional
Relational and dimensional  
Installation directory The full path to the Data Architect installation directory. This directory is used to search for proper JAR files used by the import bridge.

For version 7.x, it should contain the Eclipse 'configuration' directory where the file 'platform.xml' exists. E.g.

'C:\Program Files\IBM\IDA7.6.0'
For version 7.6.0

'C:\Program Files\IBM\IDA7.5.2'
For version 7.5.2

'C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP'
For version 7.5.x

'C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP70'
For version 7.0.x

For version 6.x, it should contain the Eclipse 'plugins' directory. E.g.

'C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\RDA\V6.1'
For version 6.1
DIRECTORY     Mandatory


Bridge Mapping

Meta Integration Repository (MIR)
(based on the OMG CWM standard)
"IBM InfoSphere Warehouse - InfoSphere Data Architect"
Mapping Comments
Name Label  
Argument Parameter  
DefaultValue   Not used
Description Documentation  
Kind Mode  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
Position   position of the argument in the Procedure or Function
Association Relationship / Foreign Key  
Aggregation Identifying  
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
AssociationRole Relationship / Foreign Key Two roles are created for each Relationship
Description Documentation  
Multiplicity Existence, Cardinality  
Name Verb Phrase, Inverse Verb Phrase / Label  
OnDelete Referential Integrity: Delete  
OnInsert Referential Integrity: Insert  
OnUpdate Referential Integrity: Update  
PhysicalName Name  
Source   set to True on the Primary/Candidate Key side
Attribute Attribute / Column  
Description Documentation  
InitialValue Default Value  
Name Label  
Optional Required / Not Null  
PhysicalName Name  
Position   derived from the position in the Entity/parent table
BaseType Attribute / Column Datatype  
DataType   See datatype conversion array
Name   Based on the datatype
PhysicalName   Derived from the datatype
BusinessRule Domain Constraint, Entity Constraint, Check Constraint Each constraint is imported as a BusinessRule and connected to its applicable object (LDM). Table level CheckConstraints are imported as BusinessRules (DBM)
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
Type   set to ENUMERATION_LIST for Domain Enumeration Constraint set to PHYSICAL_TEXT for Entity SQL Constraints set to LOGICAL_TEXT for Entity non-SQL Constraints
Value Expression  
CandidateKey PrimaryKey, AlternateKey, InversionEntry  
Comment Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
UniqueKey   set to TRUE for PrimaryKey, AlternateKey set to FALSE for InversionEntry
Class Entity / Table  
CppClassType   Set to ENTITY
CppPersistent   Set to True
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
ClassDiagram Diagram  
Description   Not used
Name Name  
PhysicalName   Not used
DatabaseSchema Schema A default schema is created to connect the entities to the default catalog in LDM
Comment   default in LDM
Description Documentation default in LDM
Name Label default in LDM
PhysicalName Name default in LDM
DerivedType Attribute Type, Domain / Column DataType, Distinct UserDefined Type  
DataType Item type See datatype conversion array
Description Documentation  
Length Length or inherited from a Domain Length Constraint, if any
LowerBound   inherited from a MinimumInclusive (or MinimumExclusive) constraint
Name Label Based on the datatype
NativeDataType Item type / DataType If the Item type is another Domain, use the parent Domain Item type see the DataType conversion array
PhysicalName Name Derived from the datatype (DBM)
Scale Scale or inherited from a Domain FractionDigit Constraint, if any
UpperBound   inherited from a MaximumInclusive (or MaximumExclusive) constraint
UserDataType   set to FALSE(LDM), set to TRUE for Distinct UserDefined Type, FALSE otherwise (DBM)
UserDefined   set to TRUE for Domains (LDM), set to TRUE for Distinct UserDefined Type, FALSE otherwise (PDM)
DesignPackage Package(LDM) / Schema (DBM) An equivalent DesignPackage is created for each DatabaseSchema
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
UserDefined   set to TRUE (LDM), False (DBM)
ForeignKey ForeignKey  
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
Generalization Generalization  
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
GeneralizationRole Generalization  
Identity Identity properties  
Cycle Cycle  
IncrementValue Increment By  
MaximumValue Maximum Value  
MinimumValue Minimum Value  
StartValue Starting Value  
Index Index  
Clustered Clustered  
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
Unique Unique  
IndexMember IndexColumn  
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
Position   column position
SortOrder SortOrder  
Note Diagram Note Notes attached to Entities are imported as Notes
Name   Not used
Value Description  
Projection Diagram Node  
BackgroundColor FillColor  
Bold Bold  
FontColor FontColor  
FontName FontName  
FontSize FontSize  
Height Height The height is not available if the box is in AutoSize mode
Italic Italic  
LineColor LineColor  
Name   Not used
Strike StrikeThrough  
Underline Underline  
Width Width The width is not available if the box is in AutoSize mode
X X  
Y Y  
PropertyElementTypeScope User Defined Property  
Scope   Object type the property applies to
PropertyType User Defined Property  
DataType   set to VARCHAR
Name Name  
Usage   set to USER
PropertyValue User Defined Property  
Value Value  
RelationshipProjection Diagram Edge  
BackgroundColor FillColor  
Bold Bold  
FontColor FontColor  
FontName FontName  
FontSize FontSize  
Height   Not used
Italic Italic  
LineColor LineColor  
LinePoints BendPoints  
Name   Not used
Strike StrikeThrough  
Underline Underline  
Width   Not used
X   Not used
Y   Not used
SQLViewAssociation View Dependency  
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
SQLViewAttribute ViewColumn  
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
Optional Not Null  
PhysicalName Name  
Position   column position
SQLViewEntity View  
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
WhereClause SQL  
StoreModel Logical Data Model/Physical Data Model The model is built using the elements contained in the .LDM file
Name file name  
SystemType Database Type and Version set to <Logical> for LDM
SystemTypeOld Database Type and Version set to <Logical> for LDM
StoredProcedure Procedure  
CppAbstract   Not used
CppConcurrency   Not used
CppFriend   Not used
CppScope   Not used
CppStatic   Not used
CppVirtual   Not used
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
Position   Not used
Postcondition   Not used
Precondition   Not used
Semantics Source  
Description Documentation  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
Trigger Trigger  
Description Documentation  
FireOnDelete Delete  
FireOnInsert Insert  
FireOnUpdate Update  
Name Label  
PhysicalName Name  
Semantics Source  
TriggerType ActionTime  
TypeValue Value No equivalent in RDA DBM, only used in LDM.Each Value of an EnumerationConstraint is imported as TypeValue
Description Description  
Name Label  
Position   derived from the Value position in the Enumeration List
Value Name  

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