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SAP PowerDesigner CDM 7.5 to 16.x - Import

Availability-note AWS

Bridge Requirements

This bridge:
  • is only supported on Microsoft Windows.

Bridge Specifications

Vendor SAP
Tool Name PowerDesigner CDM (Conceptual Data Modeling)
Tool Version 7.5 to 16.x
Tool Web Site
Supported Methodology [Data Modeling] Data Store (Logical Data Model), Graphical Layout via CDM XML File
Data Profiling
Incremental Harvesting
Multi-Model Harvesting
Remote Repository Browsing for Model Selection

Tool: SAP / PowerDesigner CDM (Conceptual Data Modeling) version 7.5 to 16.x via CDM XML File
Metadata: [Data Modeling] Data Store (Logical Data Model), Graphical Layout
Component: SybasePowerDesignerCdm07 version 11.2.0

This bridge imports data models from a PowerDesigner .CDM (Conceptual data model) file with Entities, Attributes, Domains. This bridge also imports all relationships and their implementation (e.g. PK/FK) as well as the graphical layout (diagrams).


Q: How do I handle CDM XML files which contain shortcuts to external entities?
A: CDM XML model files may contain relationships which refer to entities defined as 'shortcuts', which are references to external entities. Unfortunately, in this case the CDM XML file does not contain sufficient information to reconstruct the PK/FK relationships properly. If this is the case with the imported file, there will be a message in the log like:

This model may have shortcut dependencies on external model: 'file:///...'

and, by default, the bridge will not attempt to reconstruct those PK/FK relationships to shortcuts.

However, the source tool has the capability to merge these files together and as a result, the shortcuts are resolved. To do so:

- Refer to the log for all the files with shortcuts
- Open the tool and go to the Tools -> Merge Models... menu option
- Create a new merged model
- Save the new model as a CDM XML and import.

Q: I see warnings or errors in the log, How can I validate the model before importing?
A: PowerDesigner allows checking the model for modeling inconsistencies.
Please use menu Tools -> Check Model... and take the necessary, yet corrective actions to resolve detected issues.

Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations or bundled in Documentation/ReadMe/MIMBKnownLimitations.html

CDM files in binary format are not supported.

Provide a troubleshooting package with debug log. Debug log can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6

Bridge Parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Values Default Scope
File This bridge imports CDM XML files. If you do not have the model saved as a CDM XML file already, you may create a CDM file for import:

1. Be sure the Conceptual Data Model is opened in SAP PowerDesigner.
2. Choose 'Save As' from the 'File' menu.
3. In the 'Save as type' list, select 'Conceptual Data Model (XML) (*.CDM)'.
4. Enter the file name and select a directory to save the file in.
5. Click 'Save'.

The bridge will use the generated CDM XML file as input.
FILE *.cdm   Mandatory
Apply binary characters filter Specifies if invalid binary characters should be filtered out of the file as a pre-process before parsing the CDM XML file. This option is a workaround for a bug in the PowerDesigner tool which sometimes generates a file that does not conform with the XML specification (contains binary characters).

Warning: Applying this filter may remove some Unicode national characters.
BOOLEAN   True  
Import UDPs A User Defined Property (UDP) is usually defined with a property definition object that has a default value. The objects that the property applies to may have an explicit value for this property. They may instead have no value assigned at all in which case the default value of the property definition (implicit value) applies.

Control how property definitions and values are imported:

'As metadata'
Import the explicit value as the property value. Implicit values are not imported. The default value is kept on the property type only.

'As metadata, migrate default values'
Import the explicit or implicit values as property value.

'In description, migrate default values'
Append the property name and value, even if implicit, to the object's description property. This allows you to export the UDP values to another tool which does not support the notion of UDP.

'Both, migrate default values'
Import the UDP value, even if implicit, both as metadata and in the object's description.
As metadata
As metadata, migrate default values
In description, migrate default values
Both, migrate default values
As metadata  
Import Association Classes An Association Class in the CDM represents attributes and connects multiple entities. Specify whether the bridge should import such a concept as an Entity:

The Association Class and all contained Attributes are ignored.

The Association Class and all contained Attributes are imported.
BOOLEAN   False  
Append volumetric information to the description field Import and append the volumetric (number of occurrences) information to the description property. BOOLEAN   False  
Remove text formatting PowerDesigner versions 7.0 to 7.5 store annotations as plain text, while versions 8 and later use RTF. Remove Rich Text Formatting (RTF) from annotations:

The model was generated by PowerDesigner 7.0 or 7.5.

The model was generated by PowerDesigner 8.0 or greater.
BOOLEAN   True  
Reverse role names Swap relationship rolenames for each model:

Do not swap role names.

Swap role names.
BOOLEAN   False  


Bridge Mapping

Meta Integration Repository (MIR)
(based on the OMG CWM standard)
"SAP PowerDesigner CDM 7.5 to 16.x"
Mapping Comments
Association Relationship  
Aggregation Dependent  
Comment Comment  
Description Description  
Name Name  
NativeId   Object ID
PhysicalName Code  
AssociationRole Relationship Role  
Multiplicity Cardinality  
Name Role Name  
NativeId   Object ID
Source   based on the multiplicity of each role and the "Dominant" property
AssociationRoleNameMap Relationship Created when migrated attributes are renamed
Attribute Data Item, Entity Attribute Data Items not attached to entity attributes are not imported.
Comment Comment  
Description Description  
ExtraConstraint Business Rule  
InitialValue Default value  
Name Name  
NativeId   Object ID
Optional Mandatory  
PhysicalName Code  
Position   Order in the Entity Attributes' list
BaseType Domain, Attribute see DerivedType below
BusinessRule BusinessRule  
Comment Comment  
Description Description  
Name Name  
PhysicalName Code  
Type   calculated from Type
Value Expression  
CandidateKey Identifier Non-empty identifiers are imported
Name Name  
NativeId   Object ID
PhysicalName Code  
UniqueKey   True
Class Entity  
Comment Comment  
CppClassType   Set to ENTITY
CppPersistent   Set to True
Description Description  
Name Name  
NativeId   Object ID
PhysicalName Code  
ClassDiagram Conceptual Diagram  
Name Name  
NativeId   Object ID
PhysicalName Code  
DerivedType Domain, Attribute  
Comment Comment  
DataType Data Type See datatype conversion array
Description Description  
InitialValue Default value  
Length Length  
LowerBound Minimum value  
Name Name computed if not for domains
PhysicalName Code computed if not for domains
Scale Precision  
UpperBound Maximum value  
UserDefined   True for Domains
DesignPackage Package A main package "Logical View" is also created to contain all the objects that are defined at the model level
Comment Comment  
Description Description  
Name Name  
NativeId   Object ID
PhysicalName Code  
UserDefined   True for user defined packages
ForeignKey   Generated based on primary keys and association roles
NativeId   Object ID
Generalization Inheritance  
Comment Comment  
Complete Complete  
Description Description  
Exclusive Exclusive  
Name Name  
NativeId   Object ID
PhysicalName Code  
GeneralizationRole InheritanceLink  
NativeId   Object ID
IndexMember   Associated with each attribute in a key
Description Comment  
NativeId   Object ID
Position   Position of the attribute in the key
Note Notes:Annotation, Notes:Description The RichTextFormat description and notes can be converted into plain text using a bridge parameter
Value   the text
Projection Symbol Graphical Information
BackgroundColor fill color  
Bold bold  
FontColor font color  
FontName font  
FontSize font size  
Height heigth  
Italic italic  
LineColor line color  
Width width  
X x  
Y y  
PropertyElementTypeScope MetaClass Extended Model Definitions
Scope   based on MetaClass type
PropertyType Extended Attribute Extended Model Definitions
DataType Data type  
Description Comment  
Group Extended Model Definition  
InitialValue Default value  
Name Name  
PropertyValue Extended Attribute Extended Model Definitions
Value Value  
RelationshipProjection Symbol Graphical Information
BackgroundColor fill color  
Bold bold  
FontColor font color  
FontName font  
FontSize font size  
Italic italic  
LineColor line color  
Shape Shape Symbol Graphical Information
BackgroundColor fill color  
Bold bold  
FontColor font color  
FontName font  
FontSize font size  
Height height  
Italic italic  
LineColor line color  
ShapeType symbol type  
Width width  
X x  
Y y  
StoreModel Model  
Comment Comment  
Description Description  
Name Name  
NativeId   Object ID
PhysicalName Code  
TypeValue Standard Checks : List of values  
Name Label or Value Name is set to Value if Label is not specified
NativeId   Object ID
Position   Order in the List
Value Value  

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