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Including Models from an erwin Mart

The erwin Data Modeler Mart is a repository of erwin Data Modeler models. One may connect to the Mart and harvest any subset (or all of those models) as needed.

In addition, one may include separate models in a configuration (see configuration management) using the MANAGE > Repository and picking those individual models then dragging the Mart model into the configuration.

Information note

Since these individual models appear as stand-alone model in the metadata explorer UI, scheduling, logging, etc., will refer back to the Mart model as a while.

Picking Individual Mart Models

You may include separate models in a configuration (see configuration management) using the metadata manager UI and picking those individual models when dragging the Mart model into the configuration.


  1. Sign in as a user with at least the Metadata Editingcapability object role assignment on the configuration.
  2. Go to the MANAGE > Repository.
  3. Right click on a folder in the Repository Tree where you want to place the model containing the results of the import and select New > Model.
  4. Import the model from the Mart.
  5. Go to MANAGE > Configuration for the configuration you wish to add individual models to.
  6. Click Add > External Model and select the Mart model in the Repository Tree.
  7. Select the option to include individual models.
  8. Pick the models you wish to include.
Information note

You may always repeat this process to include more models. To remove one, simply remove it from the configuration.

Add a New custom attribute

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