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Metadata Filtering in a Worksheet

A filter panel can be presented to the left of the results. Talend Data Catalog provides a sophisticated set of post filtering options.

Information note

You may filter to only those results which have specific values in specific properties.

Filter Preferences

You may specify filter Preferences including:

  • Apply Filters Automatically – When checked, if you update or define a new filter, the results are updated automatically. Otherwise, the an APPY button appears in the UI and you must click this button to update the results.
  • Ignore Connection Objects – not show objects which are part of connection definitions, such as ETL sources and targets, or BI sources. These are not a part of the actual data store models (databases, files, etc.) and are often not important for data analysis.
Information note

Ignore Connection Objects only removes from the search results those matching objects which are actually contained inside connection models. Simply because the word “connection” is in the object type name does not mean they are a part of the connection models. E.g., objects of type, connectioncolumn are not removed from the search results.

Apply Filters Automatically or Manually

Depending upon the worksheet Apply Filters Automaticallypreferences settings, worksheets will either:

  • Apply Filters Automatically is checked – Every action, such as to update the filter, add a column set preferences, etc., will cause the worksheet to re-run the query
  • Apply Filters Automatically is un-checked – You must click the APPLY button (which is only available in this mode) to re-run the query. The button is highlighted when a refresh of the query would produce new results.

Information note

Depending upon how your group preferences are configured, you may not be able to adjust the Apply Filters Automatically.

Filter by example by column

You may always filter the results by what is already presented. E.g., if one wishes to only see columns for Type View Column, you may simply right-click a cell in the grid that contains that value and select that option.

Using the Filter Panel

You may also expand the Filters panel on the left in order to limit the results based upon advanced matching criteria.

Common Filter Criteria

Filter Criteria


Common Criteria

Business Description

Business Description of the object

Business Description Inferred

The business description inferred from semantic flow analysis

Business Name

Business name of the object

Business Name Inferred

The business name inferred from semantic flow analysis


Filter by certification status

Certified by

Only those results certified and/or certified by a particular individual or set of individuals


Filter by collection membership

Comment Count

Only those results commented according to a particular count

Commented By

The list of users who commented on the object


Only those results in particular Models

Created By

The user who created an object of authored content including custom model objects (e.g.glossary terms). Note that this attribute does not apply to imported model objects.

Created Date

The date when an object of authored content was created, including custom model objects (e.g. glossary terms). Note that this attribute does not apply to imported objects (e.g, tables, columns) except the repository model object itself.

Data Classifications

Data Classifications Approved

Data Classifications Matched

Data Classifications Rejected

Filter by data classes associated with the results.


Documentation of the object

Endorsed by

Only those results endorsed and/or endorsed by a particular individual or set of individuals

Endorsement Count

Only those results endorsed according to a particular count

External URL

A link to an imported object in its original web based UI

Has Data Impact

Filter by existence of objects in the data impact trace

Has Data Lineage

Filter by existence of objects in the data lineage (source) trace

Has Semantic Definition

Filter by existence of objects in the semantic definition trace

Has Semantic Usage

Filter by existence of objects in the semantic usage trace

Inferred Documentation

Inferred documentation of the object which has been inferred from semantic flow analysis


Only those results tagged by particular labels

Mapped Documentation

Mapped documentation of the object

My Workflow Tasks

The list of workflow actions that can be performed by the current user on the object. This attribute only applies to models where workflow has been enabled. See the available workflow actions

Object Id

The internal object ID

Object Profile

Object profile used

Object Stable Id

Public id for the object that is independent of which version(s) contain it

Object System Type

Filter by the internal system type of object.

Object Type

The display type of the object

Parent Object Name

Filter by the name of parent object, e.g., all tables in the “dbo” schema

Parent Object Type

Filter by the type of parent object, e.g., all objects in a schema

Sensitivity Label

Filter by the current sensitivity label association

Sensitivity Label Approved

Filter by the current sensitivity label if approved

Sensitivity Label Lineage Proposed

Sensitivity label inferred from other objects using data flow analysis

Sensitivity Label Data Proposed

Sensitivity label detected during the data classification process and thus associated with this object

Sensitivity Label Rejected

Filter by the current rejected sensitivity labels, including all labels which were rejected and will not be assigned automatically as a part of data classification.

Search Text

Text to match against. One may select which properties (e.g., name vs. description) to match against.

Updated by

The user who last updated an object of authored content, including custom model objects (e.g.glossary terms).

Updated Date

The date when an object of authored content was last updated, including custom model objects (e.g.glossary terms). Or for imported objects, it is the last date the repository object was updated, not the last date the object was updated in the source system.

Viewed Date

The lasty time the current user visited the detail page of the object

Warned by

Only those results warned and/or warned by a particular individual or set of individuals

Warning Count

Only those results warned according to a particular count


Filter by users assigned as watchers for the object

Workflow Assignees

Identifies which users can perform the next step of the workflow. This attribute is applicable only to models where workflow has been enabled. See the available workflow actions

Workflow Deprecation Required

Filter by the status Workflow Deprecation Required, indicating that this object is to be deprecated

Workflow Published

Filter by the status Workflow Deprecation Required, indicating that this object is to be deprecated

Workflow State

The current state which the object is in (Draft, Under Review, Published, etc.). This attribute only applies to models where workflow has been enabled.

Additional Criteria Groupings


Filter by various data profiling attributes


Filter by the attributes of the objects filtered by category, including custom attributes


Filter by the relationships of the objects.


Filter by responsibility assignment, including Steward

Use +FILTER to add addition filter criteria, criteria, click the X next to a specific filter to clear that one, or double-click on the name of the filter to clear it.

Information note

You may always filter the results by what is already presented. E.g., if one wishes to only see columns for Object Type of View Column, you may simply right-click a cell in the grid that contains that value and select that option.

Special Columns Which May Not be Used in Filters

These are documented in the Developer’s Guide as it is a fundamental feature of Metadata Query Language (MQL). Obviously, they will not appear in the list of possible filters as a result of the +FILTER button.

Remove a Filter Criteria from the Worksheet

Click the X that appears in the upper right corner of the criterion in the Filter panel.

Define the Order of the Filter Criteria

To change the order of a particular filter criterion click on the Configure icon that appears in the upper right corner of the criterion in the Filter panel and select Move Up or Move Down.

Filter by Numeric Attributes

Filtering criteria may be based upon the <,<=, >, >= or BETWEEN (Note: NOT is not supported) operators on all numeric data profiling filters and all integer attribute types.


  1. Open a worksheet by any of the create methods detailed, or go to
    • WORKSHEETS > Manage,
  2. Click +FILTER and add a numeric column.
  3. Specify the criteria, <,<=, >, >= or BETWEEN
  4. Click outside the dialog box.


Create a worksheet (search) for Fields in Files.

Click +FILTER and select Data Profiling Distinct, specify less than and specify 6.

Filter by Search Text

You may enter text to filter by, and the text will be matched to the properties specified, as follows.


  1. Open a worksheet by any of the create methods detailed, or go to
    • WORKSHEETS > Manage,
  2. Click the Search Text and enter the search text.
  3. Optionally, specify Search Options, including
    • What attributes to search within for the text
    • Include Semantic Search
    • Obtain Help on the search
  4. Click outside the dialog box.


Open a worksheet by clicking the Search box in the upper right corner, entering “Invoice” and pressing ENTER. Click Search Options

Filter by Category

You may specify from a hierarchical pick list which object types to include in the results. Thus, you may include, e.g., both Terms and Database Columns in the search results.


  1. Open a worksheet by any of the create methods detailed, or go to
    • WORKSHEETS > Manage,
  2. Click the pull-down under CATEGORY and check the box for one or more categories of object types.
  3. Click outside the dialog box.


Create a worksheet and click the pull-down under CATEGORY and check the box for Fields in Files.

More Information

The list of categories includes:

  • System Objects – E.g., Worksheets, Dashboards, Collections, Groups, Users

  • Import Model types – E.g., File, Database, Data Modeling, Tableau, InformaticaPowerCenter, etc.

Information note

Dataset is a special category that includes all the different types of data set categories, like Database, File, JSON Database, Data Modeling, etc., so that one may refer to Data Attributes generically, and not have to specify all the types of attributes.

  • Custom Models and Objects – e.g., Glossaries, Data Mappings, Business Rules, etc.

Filter by Model

Use this filter to restrict the results to only those which are contained within particular models (e.g., a specific imported model or glossary).

In addition, if there is a directory structure in a model (e.g., a database import containing multiple schemas or a repository import containing directory structure, models, connections, etc.) then one may also use checkboxes to filter the results.


  1. Open a worksheet by any of the create methods detailed, or go to
    • WORKSHEETS > Manage,
  2. Click +FILTER and select Model.
  3. Click in the dropdown box and select one or more models in which the results will be included.
  4. Click outside the dialog box.


Create a worksheet and filter on the text “Invoice”. Then, click +FILTER and select Model.

Information note

The faceted search is intelligent first suggesting the models with the largest number of matching potential results. The number of these results is displayed next to the Model.


Information note

Now, the list is complete (up to 100 items).

Filter by Updated Date and Updated By

Filter to only those results which have an Updated Date value in a specific date range.


  1. Open a worksheet by any of the create methods detailed, or go to
    • WORKSHEETS > Manage,
  2. Click +FILTER and select Updated Date.
  3. Click on the filter condition, including:
    • equals
    • not equals
    • today
    • yesterday
    • last hour
    • last 7 days
    • last 60 days
    • last 90 days
    • last year
    • before
    • after
    • between
  4. Specify a value for the condition.
  5. Click outside the dialog box.


Create a worksheet and filter on the text “Invoice”. Then, click +FILTER and select Updated Date.

Information note

There are several date type fields, all work the same way in worksheets.

Click the filter Condition (equals by default).

Select last 7 days.

Information note

The results are empty if you have not updated in the last 7 days any of the items that would be hit by the other Filter criteria. In this case the search text “Invoice”.

Dates in Worksheets

See Dates in the Product.

Filter by Object Roles

Filter by Object Role responsibility assignment (to users or groups), including Steward. Results then then include all the matching objects which have the particular responsibility assignment specified in the Filter.


  1. Open a worksheet by any of the create methods detailed, or go to
    • WORKSHEETS > Manage,
  2. Click +FILTER and scroll down to the OBJECT ROLES section.
  3. Select a specific role.
  4. Click on the filter condition, including:
    • equals
    • not equals
    • equals any
    • not equals any
    • equals all
    • not equals all
    • exists
    • not exists
  5. Specify a value for the condition.
  6. Click in the dropdown box and select one or more users and/or groups that the object role is assigned to.
  7. Click outside the dialog box.


Create a worksheet and filter on the text “Invoice”. Then, click +FILTER and select Data User.

Select exists as the filter condition.

Information note

The results are mostly objects contained within a model that is assigned as Data User to any user or group.

E.g., click the model Staging DW in which the first result (Invoice) is located.

Go to the Responsibilities tab.

Information note

This model is indeed assigned the Data User object role to Arif Anar and thus all its contained objects (like Invoice) are included in the results that match the other search filters (namely, Search Text “Invoice”).

Filter by Stewardship

In order to filter by stewardship, you must filter by object roles based upon responsibility assignment.

Information note

Stewardship is based upon responsibility assignment of the Stewardobject role. Thus, to see all the objects with stewardship assignment for a user, select Steward object role and pick the user you want.

Filter by Label

Filter to only those results which have one of the selected labels assigned.


  1. Open a worksheet by any of the create methods detailed, or go to
    • WORKSHEETS > Manage,
  2. Click +FILTER and select Label.
  3. Select one or more LABLES or All.


Create a worksheet and filter on the text “Invoice”. Then, click +FILTER and select Label.

Information note

There are several types of labels in the system. In particular, you may filter by Sensitivity Label and Conditional Labels. Conditional labels work just like labels in terms of filtering.

Information note

The faceted search is intelligent first suggesting the models with the largest number of matching potential results. The number of these results is displayed next to the Model.

Click QuarterlyReview in the faceted search filter and only three items are displayed.

Filter by Curation Status

You may endorse, certify, warn and comment on any object.

You may then filter to only those results which have any of these or any of these from a specific set of individuals.


  1. Open a worksheet by any of the create methods detailed, or go to
    • WORKSHEETS > Manage,
  2. Click +FILTER and scroll down to Certified.
Information note

You may also filter by Certified by, Warned by, Endorsed by or Commented by in order to Filter on the person who made the curation action.

You may also filter by Warning Count, Endorsement Count or Comment Count in order to Filter on the number of those curations notations made.

  1. Click on the filter condition, including:
    • equals
    • not equals
  2. Specify a value for the condition.


Create a worksheet and filter on the text “Customer”. Then, click +FILTER and select Certified.

Select equals as the filter condition.

Select True for the value of the condition.

Filter by Lineage Status

Object in a configuration may have (or may not have) data flow and/or semantic lineage. You may then filter to only those results which have any of these or do not have lineage of a particular type.

You may use any of the four filter criteria:

Filter Criteria


Has Data Impact

Filter by existence of objects in the data impact trace

Has Data Lineage

Filter by existence of objects in the data lineage (source) trace

Has Semantic Definition

Filter by existence of objects in the semantic definition trace

Has Semantic Usage

Filter by existence of objects in the semantic usage trace

You may specify:

  • Exists – Filters to all objects for which the filter can apply (classifier and feature level objects)
  • Not Exists - Filters to all objects for which the filter does not apply (classifier and feature level objects)
  • Equals (True/False) – Filters to all objects which have or do not have the lineage.


Search for “Invoice” to create a worksheet. Click +FILTER and select Has Data Impact.

Select equals and True for the condition. Also, it could be useful to add the Has Data Impact column.

Detection of Unused Data Elements in the Architecture

Asking the question the other way, i.e., what objects do not have data impact and are also in the data warehouse, will show you all the data elements which are not being used.

Click +FILTER and select Has Data Impact.

Select Equals and False for the condition.

Use the Model filter to only search Staging DW.dbo.

Also, it could be useful to add the Has Data Impact column.

Filter by Sensitivity Label

You may filter by the data classifications which are associated (tagged) on an object. These filters include:

  • Sensitivity Label – The current sensitivity label associated with the object
  • Sensitivity Label Approved – The current approved (or manually assigned) sensitivity label associated with the object
  • Sensitivity Label Lineage Proposed – inferred from other object using data flow analysis
  • Sensitivity Label Data Proposed – detected during the data classification process
  • Sensitivity Label Rejected – All labels which were rejected and will not be assigned automatically as a part of data classification.

You may filter by the data classifications which are associated (tagged) on an object. These filters include:

  • Data Classifications – Data classes associated with the object. The attribute shows both approved (or manually assigned) data classes as well as proposed ones.
  • Data Classifications Approved – Data classes approved for (or manually assigned to) the object.
  • Data Classifications Matched – Data classes detected during the data classification process and thus associated with the object.
  • Data Classifications Proposed – Data Classes proposed during the data classification process but are not yet approved or rejected.
  • Data Classifications Rejected – Data classes which were rejected for the object.

All of the following data profiling result properties may be used as filters and as columns in a worksheet:

  • “Data Profiling”.”Distinct”
  • “Data Profiling”.Duplicate
  • “Data Profiling”.Valid
  • “Data Profiling”.Empty
  • “Data Profiling”.Invalid
  • “Data Profiling”.Min
  • “Data Profiling”.Max
  • “Data Profiling”.Mean
  • “Data Profiling”.Variance
  • “Data Profiling”.Median
  • “Data Profiling”.”Lower Quantile”
  • “Data Profiling”.”Upper Quantile”
  • “Data Profiling”.”Avg Length”
  • “Data Profiling”.”Min Length”
  • “Data Profiling”.”Max Length”
  • “Data Profiling”.”Inferred Data Types”

You may filter by which collections each object in the result is a member of.

You may specify multiple collections that the results may be a member of.

You may specify:

  • equals: If any of the collections contain an object it is included in the results (same as equals any)

  • not equals: If any of the collections contain an object it is not included in the results
  • equals any: If any of the collections contain an object it is included in the results (same as equals)
  • not equals any: If any of the collections contain an object it is not included in the results (same as not equals)
  • equals all: If any of the collections contain an object it is included in the results
  • not equals all: If any of the collections contain an object it is included in the results
  • exists: If any of the collections contain an object it is included in the results
  • not exists: If none of the collections contain an object it is included in the results

You may filter by the existence or content of comments just as you may do so for curations such as endorsement and warning.

Filter by Object Image

The object image is a single image which may be added to the object page Overview tab optionally.

The filter option is object image.

Information note

By default, it is not included in the presentation, so you much first add it to the presentation to see the option.

Information note

As this is not an indexed search, it will be slow. Please be sure to filter by category, model and any other criteria that will reduce the scope of the search.

Filter by Relationship

As we can see from the MANAGE > Metamodelpage, there is an association between the two different models for business policies and business rules.

We populated these in the Custom Models section, with worksheet examples there.

Filter by Data Documentation/Cataloging

As an effective tool to:

  • Identify documented data elements
  • Identify those data elements which still require documentation

You may define a worksheet which shows term defined, locally defined, mapped and inferred documentation (i.e., Name and Business Definition) for an imported object, e.g., the Fields of a data lake.

Please see examples in the Data Documentation section, such as an inferred documentation worksheet.

Filter by System Objects

As you may now include “system” objects, including:

  • Worksheets
  • Dashboards
  • Collections
  • Groups
  • Users

in your worksheet searches, you may filter a worksheet by these objects. The objects may now be included in the Metadata Query Language (MQL) query.


Open a new worksheet and under CATEGORY > System > Groups.

Metadata Query Language and Query Filters

MQL allows users to define powerful and complex metadata queries with a familiar SQL syntax.

The MQL is available through the REST API and constitutes the foundation of the search / worksheet page. For syntax details, refer to the Developer Guide.

Information note

You may use the worksheet Preferences to toggle showing or hiding the metadata query language (MQL) query.

Anything you do in the Filters is reflected in the MQL. You may also edit the Filters from the perspective of the MQL directly by using the Advanced model.


  1. Open a worksheet by any of the create methods detailed, or go to
    • WORKSHEETS > Manage,
  2. In the Results panel, click Preferences > SHOW CURRENT QUERY in the worksheet Preferences.
  3. Click +FILTER and +QUERY to add MQL directly as additional filters.
Information note

You may add any number of query filters. You may toggle them on and off. They become a saved part of any worksheet you save.


Go to WORKSHEETS > Manage > Certified Terms.

Click SHOW CURRENT QUERY in the Worksheet results preferences.

Click +FILTER and +QUERY.

Click EDIT under the MQL FILTER, and build the query for Comment Count greater than or equal to 1.

Click OK.

Name the filter “Highly Commented”.

Information note

We now have a reusable MQL query filter, which may be referenced as “Highly Commented” in other worksheets.

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